Greetings partners,
As you may remember, the Forest Stewards Guild was awarded a Collaborative Forest Restoration Program (CFRP) grant to, among other things, facilitate collaborative burning on the Mt. Taylor Ranger District in the Zuni Mountains. Under the leadership of the Mt. Taylor RD fire staff, we are eyeing a potential burn window from April 9th through roughly April 30th. As always, burning is weather dependent so exact dates are impossible to pin down. For any participants with long travel distances to the Zuni Mountains food and lodging are available thanks to a partnership with the Cottonwood Gulch Foundation Basecamp located just south of Thoreau, NM.
We have two calls to action for participation…
If you are interested in participating in the collaborative burn and/or have other resources to bring to the burn (engine, water tender etc.), please complete this google spreadsheet To participate, you will need to have a valid red card and workers comp coverage if you are attending as an employee or your organization. If you are attending as a volunteer, you can use the Forest Stewards Guild volunteer coverage.
If you are interested in a field tour during the collaborative burn please complete this google form and call or email Matt Piccarello (contacts below). All visitors to the burn will be escorted by a qualified firefighter and provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment.
If you have any interest in participating in or visiting the collaborative burn please complete the spreadsheet or google form by Monday April 5th. If you are interested in participating and it is after April 5th please call me directly in addition to completing the spreadsheet or form. I will communicate any updates about the potential burn days when I have them and as we get closer to April 9th.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 505-470-9725 or email me at