Now Hiring: 2021 Summer/Fall Timber Marking Crew

Happy Summer, Collaborative Partners,

The Forest Stewards Guild, in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service, Mt. Taylor Ranger District, seeks interested applicants for a 10-week paid seasonal Forestry Technician position on a 4-person timber marking crew. The position runs July 26-October 1 and is based out of Grants, NM.

Crew members will spend their season in the beautiful Zuni Mountains learning the basics of forestry and ecology, including how and why land managers treat the forest in the way they do. This position is under the supervision of Mt. Taylor RD timber staff members.

Please share the job announcement with relevant groups and well-suited individuals. Applications are being accepted Monday 6/21 through Friday 7/9 at 5:00pm Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Interested individuals may apply by sending their resumé to or by filling out the application questionnaire. Questions should be directed to Rachel at
(505) 919-9062.