mountain biking

Zuni Mountain Chapter Back Country Horsemen

Organization name: Zuni Mountain Chapter Back Country Horsemen

Organization website:

Name: Anna Larson

Email Address:

Location: P. O. Box 7235, Grants, NM 87020 USA

Affiliation: Non-governmental Organization

If other, please specify: 501c3

Interests: Forest health, Wildlife, Mountain biking, Hiking, Youth engagement, Backcountry horseback riding

Bio: Zuni Mountain Chapter Back Country Horsemen of New Mexico is the newest chapter in the state. Our current focus is the Cibola National Forest Mount Taylor Ranger district and surrounding areas. We have members from Gallup, Grants, Ramah, and Thoreau.

McKinley County Fire & EMS

Organization name: McKinley County Fire & EMS

Organization website:

Name: Jason Carlisle

Email Address:

Location:  413 Bataan Memorial Drive, Gallup, NM 87305 USA

Affiliation: Government agency

Interests: Fire ecology, Wildlife, Mountain biking, Hiking, Off-highway vehicle use, Wood products

Bio: McKinley County Fire & EMS is comprised of 18 Fire Districts with a total of 22 stations that covers 5600 square miles of territory. MCF&EMS is a combination paid and volunteer department is 12 paid employees and over 300 volunteers.

McKinley Soil and Water Conservation District

Organization name: McKinley Soil and Water Conservation District

Name: Larry Winn

Email Address:

Location: 2330 E. Highway 66, Gallup, NM 87301 USA

Affiliation: Government agency

Interests: Forest health, Fire ecology, Water resources, Wildlife, Hunting, Mountain biking, Hiking, Grazing, Tribal interests, Youth engagement, Backcountry horseback riding, Off-highway vehicle use, Livestock grazing, Wood products, 

Bio: McKinley Soil and Water Conservation District covers almost half of the Zuni Mountains area.

Lava Soil and Water Conservation District

Organization name: Lava Soil and Water Conservation District

Name: Larry Winn

Email Address:

Location: 1020 Nimitz Dr., Grants, NM 87020 USA

Affiliation: Government agency

Interests: Forest health, Fire ecology, Water resources, Wildlife, Hunting, Mountain biking, Hiking, Grazing, Tribal interests, Youth engagement, Backcountry horseback riding, Off-highway vehicle use, Livestock grazing, Wood products

Bio: Lava Soil and Water Conservation District includes over half of the Zuni Mountains area.

Eytan Krasilovsky

Organization name: Forest Stewards Guild

Name: Eytan Krasilovsky

Email Address:

Location:, 2019 Galisteo Street, Suite N7, NM 87505 USA

Affiliation: Non-governmental Organization

Interests: Forest health, Fire ecology, Water resources, Wildlife, Mountain biking, Hiking, Youth engagement, Wood products

Bio: I have worked in the Zuni Mountains since 2005. First as a naturalist with Cottonwood Gulch Foundation and then with the Forest Stewards Guild. This is an important landscape at risk for radical change from high-intensity wildfire and i have been working to restore ecosystem process and structure. I also like to recreate in the Zuni Mountains by bike.

Esmé Cadiente

Organization name: Forest Stewards Guild

Name: Esme Cadiente

Email Address:

Location:  2019 Galisteo St., Santa fe, NM 87505 USA

Affiliation: Non-governmental Organization

Interests: Forest health, Fire ecology, Water resources, Wildlife, Mountain biking, Tribal interests, Youth engagement, Wood products

Bio: Working for the Forest Stewards Guild, I am interested in improving forest health, engaging youth in forest stewardship and providing local jobs and NM wood products in the Zuni Mountains through a pro-active, collaborative approach that creates long-term resilience of our forests and communities.