Susan Ostlie

Organization name: Co-leader, Rio Grande Valley Broadband of the Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Organization website:

Name: Susan Ostlie

Email Address:

Location: 2401 Madre Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112-2505 United States

Affiliation: Resident, Recreational user

Interests: Forest health, Fire ecology, Water resources, Wildlife, Hiking

Bio: My husband and I have been landowners in the Zuni Mountains since the 1970's, and also lived and worked in Grants for 9 years in the 1980's. We are committed to advocating for a healthy landscape in the property we own, and also for all of the Mt. Taylor Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest. I am an active member of the collaboratives associated with the Zuni Mt. CFLR and the Cibola NF plan revision process. I feel strongly that it is necessary to speak for a healthy landscape on the Cibola - for the plants and animals that should appear in that landscape.