The Cibola Draft Land Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement are available to review. See below for a message from Sarah Browne Forest Planner and Environmental Coordinator with the Cibola National Forest.
Cibola National Forest users and stakeholders,
Thank you for your interest in the Cibola’s Land Management Plan revision process, and thank you for your committed involvement and important input thus far. Together we have reached an important milestone. The Draft Plan that you have helped to develop is nearly ready for official release.
We have posted the Draft Plan and the associated Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Volume 1 (DEIS Chapters 1-4) and Volume 2 (DEIS appendices) on our plan revision website so that the public can familiarize themselves with the documents before the start of the formal 90-day public comment period. We anticipate the official release of the draft documents and the publication of the Notice of Availability (NOA) to occur early August which will initiate a formal 90-day public comment period. We are not soliciting comments at this time. We ask that you wait to submit comments until the official comment period begins.
We are currently printing hardcopy versions of these documents and those printed copies will be available to view at locations around the forest during the 90-day public comment period (see attached public meeting flyer for locations). We will also be holding public meetings in August and September (see below and attached flyer) where the public can learn about what is in the Draft Plan and DEIS and provide formal written comments.
I am attaching three documents that are also available on our website. The first is a summary of all changes made to the Draft Plan since the previous version (Cibola Draft Plan from August 2018). This summary of changes document is online at our plan revision website here. The second document contains answers to frequently asked questions. The last is a flyer for our public meetings that will be held during the formal 90-day comment period in August and September at the following locations:
Joint Cibola, Carson NF, and Santa Fe NF public meeting: August 20, 2-6pm, Santa Fe Community College, 6401 Richards Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Mountainair District: August 27, 2019, 5-7pm, Dr. Robert J. Saul Recreation Center, 109 N Roosevelt Ave, Mountainair, NM 87036
Mount Taylor District: September 5, 2019, 5-7pm, Old Cibola County Building, 515 West High St., Grants, NM 87020
Magdalena District: September 17, 2019, 5-7pm, Magdalena School/Fine Arts Center, 201 Duggins Dr., Magdalena, NM 87825
Sandia District: September 26, 2019, 5-7pm, Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center, 501 Elizabeth St. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
To view all of our planning documents and to stay updated on the process including notification of the NOA publication and initiation of the 90-day comment period, please visit our plan revision website:
If you have questions please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Sarah Browne
Forest Planner and Environmental Coordinator
Forest Service
Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands
p: 505-346-3812
f: 505-346-3901
2113 Osuna Rd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Caring for the land and serving people